Saturday, April 23, 2011

If you're a business student, here's what people are saying about you.

Want to know what professors really think about you? Read this article. It's a long one, but I think you'll either hate it or agree they got it right:
Let me know your reaction by posting a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this article. Respectfully, I proposed the following counter-arguments.

    This is your typical kids-these-days lament from out of touch Professor's who refuse to realize that the needs of their students have changed. Consequently, so have their interests.

    If faculty adapted their curriculums to excite and therefore motivate their pupils, the old mantra of a "default business degree" would be null and void.

    Specifically...utilize online course management software to supplement in-class instruction (BlackBoard Vista is a good example at CSU').

    Finally, there's a solid argument for people who say that a Bachelor's degree today is a equivalent to a high school diploma years ago. The differeniator for our generation? An MBA, JD, PhD or speaking another language are the only few things that will set you apart.

    I digress. In closing, I don't feel that this article is fair snapshot of current students. GMAT scores aren't a fair representation of an individuals study habits and my suggestion is two-fold; use technology to enhace the cirriculum and require students to be more engaged.
