Friday, April 30, 2010

How to keep your blog fresh

I'm as bad as most bloggers: I don't post updates as often as I should. So I figured out one way to be more prolific: post a blog the first day of the month, plus other times during the month. That "first day of the month" is the important part. Try it yourself. So that's my blog entry for this, the first day of May.
Oh, yes, you do have a blog, don't you?!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Polish your manners!

Do you have good manners, or are you occasionally rude, vulgar, and obnoxious? Most of my students are quite well-mannered, but there are a few who occasionally exhibit bad manners. Now's the time to polish your manners, while you are in school, so you don't hurt yourself later on, in your career. Manners are especially important when talking to those who are senior to you in some way, e.g., your family, your professors, your employers, and so on. If you act badly with them, they will lower their opinion of you, and you may not even be aware of the bad impression you made. How do you know if your manners need improving? Your friends and family will occasionally give you hints. Be alert for them. If someone tells you, "you really shouldn't say that," or "you were rude to her," take it to heart and promise yourself you'll try not to act that way again.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm not the "sage on the stage" anymore

Like many professors, I've adopted the modern approach to education, which is to set up learning situations so you can teach yourself, rather than spending all class lecturing to you. These situations include simulations, projects, group assignments, etc.
The old paradigm was "the sage on the stage," while students took notes. The new paradigm is "the guide on the side," ready to help you when you need it, but letting you educate yourself. The new way is a lot more fun, and you learn more. But it requires you to make an effort, not just lean back and say "teach me, prof." So go ahead and take charge of your own education!
Of course, the new way isn't perfect. If you have any complaints about it, I'd love to hear them. Just leave a comment.